Our OHS Policy
- As BMR Engineering, ensuring that our employees are in a safe and healthy working environment is one of our top priorities. In this direction, our Occupational Health and Safety policy consists of the following articles:
- We carry out all our OHS activities in accordance with applicable national and international legal regulations and standards.
- We identify potential hazards and risks in our business processes and take necessary measures. We regularly update risk assessment studies.
- We regularly organize trainings and awareness-raising activities to ensure that our employees are aware of OHS issues.
- We provide and ensure the use of personal protective equipment necessary for our employees to perform their work safely.
- We encourage the active participation of our employees in OHS processes and take their suggestions and feedback into consideration. We ensure the flow of information on OHS issues through open communication channels.
- We prepare emergency action plans and regularly conduct drills in order to be prepared for possible emergencies.
- We regularly check the health status of our employees, perform necessary health screenings, and minimize health risks in the work environment.
- We analyze occupational accidents and incidents in detail, identify root causes, and take necessary corrective and preventive measures to prevent recurrence.
- We continuously monitor and evaluate our OHS performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and put them into practice.
- We conduct audits to ensure that the subcontractors and suppliers we cooperate with work in accordance with OHS standards, and we require compliance with OHS rules during the cooperation process.
- We disseminate OHS culture throughout the company in order to ensure that all our employees act consciously and responsibly regarding OHS.
- We follow new technologies in the field of occupational health and safety and integrate the appropriate ones into our business processes.
- As BMR Engineering, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees and stakeholders by continuously improving our Occupational Health and Safety policy.